Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Little Things

My week isn’t going as planned, but for once I am not going to let that “stop” me and let me say, well I will do better NEXT week. Nope! Life isn’t about this week or next week, it’s about what you do RIGHT now, in the moment. I need to keep in mind that all the little things add up both good and BAD.

That being said I have been tracking all of my food, might not be as pretty as I would like, but I am doing it. I was thinking I was going to have a daily intake “goal”, but I don’t think that will work for me. I think I need to have like 2 days with some extra built in, with all the events and activities I have going on I want to do better, but not have my thoughts focus on what I “shouldn’t” have.

I haven’t got in as much exercise as I would have liked, I need more hours in a day, or maybe I need to get my body used to getting up earlier!

Today at lunch I took a 20 minute walk. I have been saying for years that I was going to that, but never have. I went to a neighborhood by my office and just started walking. My leg hurt, I didn’t HAVE to keep going, but I did. I did the route I had planned, just under a mile. It was nice!! It was good break from work, from running errands at lunch, the day to day life! I WILL have to do that again. I might not make my 7 miles of walking this week, but I almost snuck 1 in today!

Tonight is Water Aerobics class night. YEAH! I love that class, it’s fun, it goes quickly, it makes me tired, and the best thing - It makes my back feel so much better!! Even when I just wanna go home and go to bed I still go because it is the one thing that I know makes me feel better!! I hope to one day be the person who get energized from working out. As of now that is NOT me! Hopefully one day!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Weekend Randomness

*I went to my parents this weekend, as normal that was not so great on the food side of life, but I don’t get mom’s food that much anymore so I don’t feel bad.
*I got my haircut, I think it makes my face look chubby, but everyone else says it looks good?
* I went for a walk with my mom, no fast, not far and my leg was killing me again L
* It’s easier to drink water when you aren’t on the go, because then you don’t have to worry about using the facilities all the time! So it made it hard to get my water in on Sunday on the way back! But I did somehow manage!

Friday, March 26, 2010


I am re-committing today to getting back on track, to be more aware of what I am eating, why I am getting it, and being more active.

The last 3 months haven’t been so great – I can’t believe it is the end of March and we are almost ¼ of the way through 2010. I haven’t made any progress on my goals for 2010, I can’t wait another day, I can’t wait til the calendar SAYS April, or Monday, or any other day!

I know I won’t be perfect, but I can still try, any little bit will help! I need to start with some small goals.

*Drink at least 60 oz of water a day
*Walk 7 miles by next Thursday night
*Do EA Active 30 day Challenge starting Monday

I think that is a good start! I will focus on a how many calories a day goal next week. For now I want to get into tracking, which that alone makes me think before I eat some things!

So here is my re-starting point:

Current Weight: 275.8 lbs
Starting Weight: 303.6 lbs
Weight loss total: -27.2 lbs

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Just a few random things/vents that I have had lately.

*I have lost 30 pounds since last July. I know not a HUGE amount when you consider I still need to get rid over 100 more pounds. BUT here is my thing – my husband lost about the same and EVERYONE asks him if he lost weight. Uhhhh, hello! I try not to be get upset about it. But it bothers me and he knows it. Especially since he didn’t try at allll! I also have a friend who has lost 55 since last July, she posts monthly photos to Facebook, for the longest time her only updates talked about going to the gym and how many calories she burned in a day. So of course people ALWAYS are commenting on it, asking me about how much she has lost, etc. So it is frustrating to me that NO one notices that I have. My pants are baggy, my shirts are too big, I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but I get rather upset about it at times. Oh well, what ya gonna do?!?!

*My next thing is how expensive all of this can be!!
Sunday was my first “official” 5K. I have done them before but they have just been for fundraisers basically. No timing, not mostly “real” runners. Boy did I feel outta place, and not just because of my chubby , slow self. I didn’t have all the cool clothes, watch, and accessories.

I have been LOOKING at stuff, and I did go out in October and buy the most expensive pair of shoes I have ever bought! (Mind you I am NOT a shoe person, I have like 5 pairs of shoes total.) I have been thinking about getting a heart rate monitor, but I have decided that at this point I need to be more consistant with DOING things before getting that. I have looked at clothes – but really not so easy or cheap to find in plus sizes! I did get a new pair of pants that are MUCH more comfy and normal looking to workout in than my sweats! I have an MP3 player, but not really sure how to use it. We’ll see, I am sure in the next few months as I train for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer I will be looking more into some of these items!

I am sure there are others, but I for now that is all, don’t want to depress myself anymore than I already have!

Monday, March 22, 2010


My legs and hips/lower back have been killing me all day! Really I don’t think I have had this much PAIN in them before, not sure why it is so bad.

I packed clothes this morning to go to the Y or Curve’s and workout, but half way through the day decided that those ideas might not work out so well for me. I decided instead I would go to an extra Water Aerobics class! I haven’t gone in Monday in so long I didn’t even think about it this morning. I thought with that I knew I would make myself do as much as I could and finish the hour, and it SHOULDN’T hurt as bad, and afterwards I could hit up the hot tub!

So I drove home at lunch and got my suit so I could go.

It went well, a lot of the jogging in place things hurt at first, but not as bad as I thought it would. She did a lot of hip and stretching stuff since I had said that was part of my problem. As always the hour flew by and I felt better when I was done.

I was really glad that I decided to go instead of coming home and sitting in the chair all night like I wanted to. Now to see if I can make myself do something tomorrow night! The legs are still very sore.

Off to have hubby rub them and hope they feel better tomorrow!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Worthington Relay For Life 5K

This morning I took part in the Worthington Relay For Life 5K as a walker. One of my friends that I made through Relay, Laurie, was heading up this event so I signed up to help support her. And because I need to get started training for October anyway…

Of course I DIDN’T prepare for this. I had good intentions as always. But it didn’t happen and I am paying for it now.

Let’s just say that after a fun night with friends, and a not so great night of sleep when the alarm went off at 6:45 I was NOT happy. I had spent the night at Stacy’s and we had planned to leave by 8 AM, but I decided to cut my time a little close and get a little more sleep!

We got there a few minutes before the race started, I felt very outta place! I was one of the only one’s who wasn’t dressed in all the “serious” clothes and accessories. And well, I was one of the not so in shape people. I think it was a kick in the booty that I needed.

We started and not even 30 seconds into it my leg started hurting. NOT fun. I told Stacy to go ahead and go without me as she was trying for a good time and I didn’t want to hold her back because I am so slow.

It was a nice walk and a very pretty morning. By a little after the one mile mark my leg stopped hurting so I was trying to go a little faster. But I knew I was at the back of the group. Which you would think would motivate me to go faster, which it did at sometimes, but other times it just made me feel worse about myself. I was apologizing to the people at the turn around point and the end. They where very nice about it, and I wasn’t THAT far behind the people in front of me, but still felt bad.

And then the fact that I needed to pee that is alllll I could think about!!!

As I got towards the end Stacy and her friends joined me to finish, which is when I realized that I still had a chance to make it in under and hour. So I went a little faster and ended with a time of 59:20. Not great, could have done better, but I finished and in under an hour! (And officially I wasn’t last! Two people came in a couple of minutes after me!)

And for some reason I am now looking at some other upcoming 5K’s in the area…..

Monday, March 8, 2010

Evening Walk

What a nice evening it was! The sun was out, it got into the High 50’s or Low 60’s today. When I got home I decided to go a walk while the sun was still out. It was so so nice out! I tried to stay in the sun as it was a little chilly in the shade. I walked 1.44 miles in about 30 minutes, and that included some technical difficulties! My MP3 player was having issues so I decided to try to figure out how to use Pandora on my phone. I GOT it to work, but I need to figure out the way it really works and if I was doing it right. I will have to check with the hubby!

I attempted to make dinner with what little food we had in the house, it didn’t turn out so good. We SO need to go and buy some food, and hopefully some that is good for us!

Then I got the bright ideas to try out the EA Active game on the Wii. Well that didn’t go as good as I would have hoped, but I did get to do some of it. For some reason the squats weren’t showing up right when I did them. But overall I am liking it and once I get past the technical difficulties and not doing it an hour after walking for the first time in awhile I will be good to go!!

I am trying to get back into the swing of things, but it is going slowly. I need to get organized. Get food in the house and at work, get more space in the living room to play the Wii.

It is crazy how clutter and disorganization in life effects you in so many different ways.