Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It’s so easy

To fall off the wagon, to go back to “old” ways, to eat fast food or go to restaurants.

Yeah it has been a no so good last week for me on the food front. I keep saying, tomorrow, tomorrow. I sucked it up and went to the store last night. I needed food to eat for breakfast and so we could make dinner at home. Even if it isn’t the BEST option it is better than what I would order out!!

I weighed in last Thursday and I was down a little over ONE pound in a month. Yes I know the time included the holiday, but wowwwwie, kinda a reality check. (Too bad it didn’t work!)

But today I am “starting” over, no more tomorrow!!!

I had an English muffin for breakfast, brought some chicken to have for lunch, I am headed back into the right direction!!

Off to enter what I have eaten today in my phone, it’s a great tool WHEN I use it.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ouch, ouch, ouch

I fell like I am going to die today! Every move I make HURTS!

Yesterday I decided that since I was already at the Y doing my Water Class I should stay and check out the Strength and Tone Express class. It did SOUND like a good idea when I thought it.

I went to the class and must have had the I have no clue what I am doing look on my face because the instructor came over and asked if I was there for class. She was nice and showed me and helped me get all the things we would use during the class. She also said since I was new and there are different levels of people there if I couldn't do things with the weights to just try and do them without.

I made it through the class, BARELY, but if it wold have been any loner I am not so sure I would have.

I was able to do a version of most everything, or at least TRIED!

After the class one of the other students came up and said good job on making it through the class that many people come and leave halfway through. (I'll admit that made me kinda happy!)

I would go back again, but I am not sure when I will be able to as the times it is offered won't work for me for the next few weeks.

I didn't feel to bad last night, but after sleeping I am SO sore. Places I didn't know could be sore are. I need to get up and moving soon to at least stretch it out some. Hoping that will make it feel better!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Weigh In

For the Rethink Your Shrink Challenge we are supposed to weigh in on Wednesday. I don’t use my scales at home. I typically weigh in on Thursday nights at my weekly T.O.P.S meeting, so I will be posting my weekly weigh in’s after that , but this week it was cancelled due to weather. We haven’t had a meeting now for 3 weeks because of the holidays and the weather, and I am going to miss next week due to being out of town. So I went to Curve’s tonight to weigh in there. The last time I weighed in there was 11/30 and I am down 2.5 since then. Doesn’t sound like much but with the holidays and everything that went along with them I will take it and be VERY happy!!!

Project “Me”

This Project was given to us on Monday as homework for the week. I has been great today seeing what others have said, seeing that you aren’t the only one with these thoughts and problems.

I have always been overweight since I can remember. And I think that I am one of the odd ones who really doesn’t care what other people think of me for the way I look. But I would like to be more healthy and I would like to be smaller, but even “my” goal weight is so much more than so many people.

What about 2009 (and beyond) did not work?
I will start next week because I this, that, or the other this week. An all of nothing attitude.

What were my goals?
I didn’t set any.

Did I fall short of achieving them? If so, why?
Since I had always fallen short in the past it was easier to just not make them anymore.

What were my biggest obstacles?
Me making the time and being lazy. The time to prepare healthy food, the time to exercise – I could always find something else I would rather do. Or a reason to not do it.

Eating out – I had a lot of evening meetings so we would go to dinner. And I like to eat. My biggest downfall is appetizers and meals. I don’t really eat a lot of desserts and snacks, but I love my bread, pasta, and salad with lotso dressing!

What were my patterns?
To try, have an off day and that one day would snowball, and give up.

What was my “rock bottom” moment?
It was really a moment but a month of small things. Pictures, flights, clothes being to0 tight.

What are my bad habits?
Social eating, every event revolving around the food.

What has worked?
Weight Watchers, journaling what I eat. Allowing myself on “free” evening a week.

Here is to a weekend of not letting myself over indulge on the party yummies!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Avon Walk For Breast Cancer

Today's topic for Fitness Friday is Team In Training. To bad I am JUST seeing this as this is something I have always wanted to do. But I am already signed up to walk the Avon 2 Day Walk For Breast Cancer in October!! You have to raise $1,800 to be able to walk, so I think I already have my hands full for 2010.

2 of my friends and I will be heading south to Charlotte, NC to participate in this 2 day walk. You can either walk a half or full marathon the first day and then a half on the next day.

I am just starting my training for this so I hope I can make it!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Goals for Challenge

For the First Thursday 3 we are supposed to set Goals for ourselves. I am listing mine below.

Write down 3 goals you have for yourself for this challenge

1. I will work out at least 5 times a week

2. I will drink 64 oz of water a day.

3. I will journal everything I eat.

Track your goals

I am entering my info into my phone/Fat Secret.

Come up with a NON-FOOD reward for yourself when you hit your challenge goals

I will get a massage.